Friday, March 30, 2012

Wlliamsburg Waterfront Way...

These are the awesome views of the Manhattan skyline and the Williamsburg Bridge from East River State Park and Northside Piers Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The East River State Park itself, not much more than concrete slabs and a few picnic tables, is nothing to write home about, but the view it offers is stunning, even on a grey and cloudy day such as today. Though there was barely any sign of life at the park on this dreary spring day, apparently the park is a happening place during the summer, hosting free concerts, films, and parties. And obviously, they had me at 'free.' I also hear there is a rockin flea market around here on Sundays, yet another thing that is right up my alley. Summer is just around the corner so I look forward to revisiting the Williamsburg Waterfront during a more festive occasion.

"And you can stand/ On the arms/ Of the Williamsburg Bridge/ Crying/ Hey man, well this is Babylon" --Soul Coughing, True Dreams of Wichita
True Dreams of Wichita by Soul Coughing on Grooveshark

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