The first snow I experienced in NYC fell on a random day in November. As it took me three times longer than usual to walk to the subway, I had plenty of time to think about how I should invest in a good pair of snow boots. I was walking like an old lady, trying desperately not to slip, as I am known to do. I had a few close calls, but managed to keep my ass from hitting the snow covered pavement. New Yorkers were up in arms, saying to each other, "Can you believe this? It's barely November!" I smiled to myself. I'm in New York City!
Woody Allen's work will be appearing all over this blog, for obvious reasons. Manhattan is one of his best films, and it is unique in that it is one of only a few of his that are shot in winter, and therefore feature snow! Manhattan covered in snow was made for the silver screen. The opening montage is so beautiful, with shots of the Manhattan skyline and locales around the city, in black and white giving it a romantic quality. - so beautiful! Woody Allen plays a character named Isaac Davis who is writing a novel about his love for NYC. And here I am writing a blog about my love for NYC! I dreamt about living in Manhattan for so many years. As he says, I romanticized it, having seen so many films, heard so many songs, and read so many books where this great city is often a character. After soaking it all in for so long, the city was so familiar once I got here. It's like I had always been here. It is now home, and I think it's probably where I belong.
"Is this on?/ I am so too/ I can take you there/ But I don't know how to get there/ I can take you there/ But I don't know where to go" --Snow Patrol, NYC
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